Even though it's already april I'm still mentally in January and really don't want to leave. On Friday I'm celebrating 8 months - it's insane! Anyways now I'm not here to talk about my double sadness and double happiness, but I want to show you how my mointh of March went by so quickly...
Monday (7th March) began with a "tiny" bit of snow. You can see how my window looked in the morning, but when I came back from school, there was nothing left anymore. Belgian weather is really something unbelievable! In the afternoon I skyped with my best friend back in the Czech republic. It was actually really weird because she lives in the same street as me and we never really talked otherwise than in person. But anyways we were laughing so hard and I realized even though I really don't want to leave Belgium, my heart will still stay in the Czech republic.

On Thursday (10th March) I was in the cinema, too. I wanted to see Allegiant (the new Divergent series movie) and it was really awful. If you want more of my opinion, I wrote a review on my Czech blog. But even though I didn't enjoy the movie at all, I had a really good time with my friend and we're doing monthly cinemas now. Because, you know, everything bad is good in some way...
On Saturday (19th March) I had a special "réunion Scouts". To get some money for our summer camp we are supposed to sell lasagna, so that day we prepared them. It was really fun and eventhough cutting several kilos of carrots and onions doesn't sound fun at all, I really enjoyed the day. There is nothing better than your hands freezing from cold water with which you wash dishes for a huge lasagna :D
Next week was full of impressions, too. It all began already on Monday (21st March) when we visited Bruxelles with my French class. We paricipated at a writing contest and we went to the capital to know the results and eventually get the price. We also saw an awesome One Man Show abotu how it feels to come to Europe from Africa and to want to help others... I was really impressed and touched by this awesome afternoon.
The next day (22nd March), as you probably know, the terrorist attacks took place in Brussels. Just one day after I came back from exacly the same place - insane, right? But this day started really well: at school there was an event called "petit déjuner Oxfam" - basically beakfast at school that consisted only of fair trade products with a little quiz about the Oxfam organization. But then at midi we were closed op at school and we couldn't use our phones because the network didn't work and we didn't know anything. That's when everyone started to panic until the director arrived, explained what happened and distributed sandwiches... And that was it. I don't live in Brussels so we continued going to school and everything returned to "normal".
Direcly the first lessons on Wednesday (23th March) we had arts and the teacher decided we'll express our feelings as they did at the Grande Place of Brussels - with art. So we drew, wrote and just shared some nice moments and created this:
The next weekend passed in the theme of packing because the holidays started... But I'll tell you avout those in my next post. Keep well until then!
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