27 Mar 2016

My trip to the UK (29.2. - 4.3.)

I'm here with another photoblog, this time from my school trip to the UK that took place from 29th Frebruary till 4th March. We had to wake up at 5am to go to the bus and we came back really late, so I was very tired. But again, it was woth it. We had fun, visited many interesting places, did some shopping... and photos!

20 Mar 2016

February feels (11. - 28.2.)

How to get an exchange student to laugh till it hurts

After coming back from Paris, I had some difficulties with returning to my "old" belgian lifestyle with regular food and no exchange students... But after some time I got used to it again and my life went on more or less on the normal level of excitement. (That means everything got crazy as soon as possible.)